
Opération BAURéaLS – Lyon Sud Hospital, in Pierre-Bénite

Opération BAURéaLS – Lyon Sud Hospital, in Pierre-Bénite

VINCI Construction subsidiary Citinea is currently carrying out the structural and shell works on the BAURéaLS project at the Lyon Sud Hospital, located in Pierre-Bénite (south-east France).

Scheduled to last a total of 48 months, this large-scale undertaking will combine new construction works over a surface area of 17,771 sq. metres and renovation works covering 16,800 sq. metres.

The programme, known as BAURéaLS (for Blocs Accueil des Urgences Réanimation Lyon Sud) for the hospital’s emergency and reanimation units, aims to improve medical care conditions for both patients and hospital staff. It involves:

– bringing together all of Lyon Sud Hospital’s operating theatres (30 units);

– creating a reception area and two anaesthesia and outpatient surgery units;

– reorganising and extending the emergency department to handle 40,000 patient visits per year;

– grouping critical care activities (intensive care and continuous monitoring) into the same unit (three units with 15 beds each).

The project is being carried out in a complex environment (works in an occupied hospital setting, highly restricted site access, etc.).

Low-carbon concrete formulated by our partner BML (Bétons des Monts Lyonnais) is being used.

The construction team expects more than 70% of the 12,200 cu. metres of concrete to be poured to be low-carbon.

Works started on 3 January 2023.